Here are some of the accomplishments of our club members: 2021 #2 Ranked English Springer Spaniel in AKC Novice B ObedienceCH Bondir Ellery’s Enigma CD PCD BD DJ CGC and Regina Gunderson AKC Champion – ConformationCH Dragorra Taji Meseeks and Destroy and Arial Harper AKC Champion – ConformationCH Choco Chip Infinite Possibilities @ Raven and Amanda Meier AKC Grand Champion – ConformationGCH Ch Caradoc’s Hook Line & Sinner BN RN DCAT SIN SEN IT DSXlll AJX HDS TKI CGC and Heather Kovis AKC Grand Champion – ConformationGCH CH Triskles Own It RA BCAT CGCA TKA VHMA BN and Brighid Doll AKC Champion – ConformationCH Pikatti’s Hjarta Hrafntinna BCAT IT and Heather Kovis AKC Grand Champion – ConformationGCH CH Triskles Xpedition Elite Four CGCA BCAT TKN and Brighid Doll Share this:FacebookX